var expandingAd = new Object(); var mousedover2 = false; function deploycatfish() { document.write(' '); document.write(' '); }; deploycatfish(); /* * jQuery Catfish Plugin - Version 1.3 * * Copyright (c) 2007 Matt Oakes ( * Licensed under the MIT (LICENSE.txt) * @link */ jQuery.fn.catfish = function(options) { this.settings = { closeLink: 'none', animation: 'slide', //height: '79' } if(options) jQuery.extend(this.settings, options); if ( this.settings.animation != 'fade' && this.settings.animation != 'none' && this.settings.animation != 'slide' ) { alert('animation can only be set to \'slide\', \'none\' or \'fade\''); } var id = this.attr('id'); settings = this.settings; jQuery(this).css('padding', '0').css('height', this.settings.height + 'px').css('margin', '0').css('width', '100%'); jQuery('html').css('padding', '0 0 ' + ( this.settings.height * 1 + 50 ) + 'px 0'); if ( typeof != "undefined" ) { jQuery(this).css('position', 'fixed').css('bottom', '0').css('left', '0'); } if ( this.settings.animation == 'slide' ) { jQuery(this).slideDown('slow'); } else if ( this.settings.animation == 'fade' ) { jQuery(this).fadeIn('slow'); } else { jQuery(this).show(); } if ( this.settings.closeLink != 'none' ) { jQuery(this.settings.closeLink).click(function(){ $j.closeCatfish(id); return false; }); } // Return jQuery to complete the chain return this; }; jQuery.closeCatfish = function(id) { this.catfish = jQuery('#' + id); jQuery(this.catfish).hide(); jQuery('html').css('padding', '0'); jQuery('body').css('overflow', 'visible'); // Change IE6 hack back }; // begin loading the ad var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(window).load(function(){ $j('#catfish').catfish({ closeLink: '#catfish-close' }); //// START - SET COOKIE FOR PREVIEW FUNCTION ////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var cookie = getcookie("sbb"); //alert(cookie); if(cookie) { document.getElementById('catfish').style.display = 'none'; } else { //document.getElementById('catfish').style.display = 'block'; var today = new Date(); var expire = new Date(); expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 10000); // currently set for 10 minutes. document.cookie = "sbb=1;path=/;expires="+expire.toGMTString(); } function getcookie(cookiename) { var cookiestring=""+document.cookie; var index1=cookiestring.indexOf(cookiename); if (index1==-1 || cookiename=="") return ""; var index2=cookiestring.indexOf(';',index1); if (index2==-1) index2=cookiestring.length; return unescape(cookiestring.substring(index1+cookiename.length+1,index2)); } //// END - SET COOKIE FOR PREVIEW FUNCTION ////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// });